Stop confusing tactics for brand strategy

I really don’t want to write this article, but I feel compelled to address the elephant in the room which continually seems to rear its head in the marketing industry. Through pers...

Brand distinctiveness before differentiation

Too many business owners and marketers are pre-occupied with finding, or fudging, points of difference for their product or service, instead of first considering how to utilise dist...

Why brands should invest during a recession

The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising recently placed an advert in the FT challenging businesses not to cut their marketing spend during the inevitable impending recession, ...

Traits shared by the worlds strongest brands

Brand management, and more specifically, the aim of building brand equity, is now seen as the single most important challenge for CMOs and CEOs across all industry sectors. The pro...

Embrace the 95 to 5 brand strategy rule

From smartphones, cars and furniture to computers, home appliances or holidays, research indicates that roughly 5% of a brand’s category is ever ‘in market’ ready to buy a product o...

How to avoid being a bad marketer

Tactical marketing represents roughly 8% of the brand management process, and communications is roughly 25% of that 8%! Unfortunately, too many marketers invest upwards of 80% of t...