Ethnography? What is it and why you should be using it!

Ethnography originates from the Greek word éthnos meaning folk or people. Through a brand management lens, it’s a qualitative research strategy for gathering behavioural insights ar...

Marketers must avoid taking shortcuts with market orientation.

I recently started a consultancy job for an international client. On day one of the project, the client proudly presented me with some research findings which they referred to as ‘a...

7 benefits from good market segmentation

Let’s deal with the elephant in the room first – customer personas DO NOT constitute market segmentation. They are rooted in stereotypes and assumptions from individual bias or disc...

Why brands need market orientation

“We don’t have the time or the budget” is often a client’s response when I ask why they are not market orientated. Our job as marketers and brand management professionals, is to rep...

Brand diagnosis is critical for brand strategy

To manage your brand properly, you must allocate a chunk of time ahead of each financial year to conduct a good brand diagnosis, the process for mapping the battlefield. Your diagn...